Natalie Hampton
55 Years at NC State
Ray Fornes first came to NC State as a Ph.D. student in 1965. After many years on the faculty here, he reflects back on how the university has changed and how proud he is to be associated with NC State.
She Finds Her Calling in Student Government
As the first graduate student to serve as student body vice president, Meredith Beaulieu turned her attention to improving life for other grad students.
What’s New in Graduate Education?
2019 has been a year of celebrations and an alumna in space; of Envisioning Research and Day of Giving; of ACC champions and a first-ever grant from the National Science Foundation. Find out more from our Graduate School news round-up.
Dean’s Message
Having recently been named dean of the Graduate School, Peter Harries shares some highlights from the Graduate School's past year and what to look forward to in this issue of Think.
Student Provides Mental Health Support for Others
After struggling with anxiety and depression, Ph.D. student Cody Zane turned his attention to helping others, as the first graduate student Mental Health Ambassador.
About Anna Spencer: The Grad Behind the Stacks
Public history alumna Anna Spencer spent the last year uncovering treasures to help the Graduate School tell the story of 125 years of graduate student success.
Student Entrepreneurs Turn Statistics into Games
A team of graduate student entrepreneurs has turned to gaming to help others understand and appreciate statistics.
Dean’s Message
Interim Dean Peter Harries announces the Graduate School's new digital magazine and shares insights into some of the outstanding graduate students featured in this issue.
What’s Happening at the Graduate School?
Many exciting things are happening at the Graduate School. Here, we showcase our most successful activities of the past year.
Former Graduate School Dean and Wife Support Student Travel
Robert Sowell, Graduate School dean emeritus, and his wife, Suester, have established a travel fund that will support graduate students who present their research at professional conferences.