About Think Magazine

Think is the digital magazine of NC State University's Graduate School. We reach out to graduate alumni of the university and friends of the Graduate School to share the success stories of our graduate students and graduate alumni, and keep our audience in the know about what is going on at the Graduate School.

NC State has nearly 10,000 graduate students who come from all over the world. Our Think and Do attitude attracts the best and brightest students who pursue master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as certificate programs. Each year, we award approximately 3,000 graduate degrees.

We never know where our graduate alumni will land and what impact you will have, but we know you are capable of great things by applying NC State’s Think and Do approach to your endeavors.

This transition to a digital publication not only allows us to more efficiently use our resources and be more environmentally sustainable, but importantly it also gives us more flexibility to share additional resources – videos, photo galleries and even audio – with our audience.

Subscribe to Think Magazine
Think is produced annually in the fall. Subscribe to have new magazine issues delivered to your inbox.

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Donate to the Graduate School
Your contributions to graduate education enhance opportunities for our students.

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To send a gift by mail, make your check payable to the NC State Foundation and indicate the fund you wish to support:

  • Graduate Education Enhancement Fund
  • Graduate Student Travel Fund

Mail donations to:
Gifts and Records Management
NC State University
Campus Box 7474
Raleigh, NC 27694-7474

Share Your Story
We know that our graduate alumni are doing amazing things. Tell us your story at success-stories@ncsu.edu.

Find a Graduate Program
NC State University offers 160 master’s and 60 doctoral programs. Find the one that’s right for you and apply today.

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Contact Us
1020 Main Campus Drive
Campus Box 7102
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7102
Phone: 919.515.2872

Peter Harries

Director of Marketing and Communications
Darren White

Design and Photography
NC State University Communications